quinta-feira, 31 de maio de 2012
terça-feira, 22 de maio de 2012
Opiniões Curiosas...
Ouçam só os comentários desta bardinagem....
"Robot Music!"
"Skrill.... What the hell is Skrillex?"
"What is Dub Step?!?!?"
"This song makes me fell Crazy"
"i Think nightclub is Stupid!
Este então está particularmente interessante...
"I think N-Dubz is better than radiohead!" Lol
"Loud or quiet — make your mind up."
"Jazzy then Rocky!"
"i don't care if people remembers my name, but Radiohead does care" " If people don´t remember my name i just say - Dude, comme on, my name is Emily!"
"I do think he's depressed."
"Why is he singing about a pig?!?"
"He talks about killing a pig. That's not nice because it's murdering."
"The pig was happy!"
"I don´t like when he sings really high!" "Really high, like a gay" "La lá lá lá"
"I don´t think is got any Friends..."
"I think the singer in this band only eats vegetables"
"He'd take your parents, he'd take everything ." "He'd even take my toothbrush."
"I think people are just pretending to like it to make them cool"
"Robot Music!"
"Skrill.... What the hell is Skrillex?"
"What is Dub Step?!?!?"
"This song makes me fell Crazy"
"i Think nightclub is Stupid!
Este então está particularmente interessante...
"I think N-Dubz is better than radiohead!" Lol
"Loud or quiet — make your mind up."
"Jazzy then Rocky!"
"i don't care if people remembers my name, but Radiohead does care" " If people don´t remember my name i just say - Dude, comme on, my name is Emily!"
"I do think he's depressed."
"Why is he singing about a pig?!?"
"He talks about killing a pig. That's not nice because it's murdering."
"The pig was happy!"
"I don´t like when he sings really high!" "Really high, like a gay" "La lá lá lá"
"I don´t think is got any Friends..."
"I think the singer in this band only eats vegetables"
"He'd take your parents, he'd take everything ." "He'd even take my toothbrush."
"I think people are just pretending to like it to make them cool"
sexta-feira, 11 de maio de 2012
Nel Monteiro, Pioneiro da Txotxiçe em Portugal!
Ele quer pão de queijo com café... eu quero mais destas pérolas!Que saudades eu já tinha de um Mega hit do Grande Nel Monteiro! Continua assim....
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